Grades Galore

Once the school year begins, I will post a link that allows parents access to the "parent portal."  You can log in a check on your child's grades as well as any missing assignments. ( In a typical week, I post grades on Wednesday.)

Directions for accessing the Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Boise Schools Parent Communication Portal

Initial Registration procedures
You must obtain your ID # from our school office before you can register!)

Welcome to the Boise Schools Parent Communication Portal. The Portal, built into the new Infinite Campus student information system provides access for parents to their student’s information as it is being entered by teachers, counselors, and staff. The Portal encourages active participation and interaction between school and parents in their student’s progress while simplifying the distribution of external communications.

The portal can be reached 24 hours a day by any computer with internet connection and a standard browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari). The website location is:

egistration Procedure:

 Step 1: Upon reaching the website you will find that the first option in blue shading at the top of the page is “First time using Campus Portal?” Select the first option for those who have a Campus Portal Activation Key.

Step 2: Below you will see your 32 character Campus Portal Activation Key. Enter this Key in the area provided.

Step 3: Create username and Password screen: Enter a username that is easy to remember. Alphanumeric combinations (letters and numbers) are best. Enter a username of your choice and a password. Repeat the password to confirm it. Click the Create Account button.

 Step 4: Use your newly created username and password to enter the Portal!!!